Friday, November 20, 2015

After estimating Donald Trump's big 5 personality profile, use chapter 9 and 10 to explain Donald Trump's character, personality, essentially why he does and says what he does.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A post for my Fall 2015 students

You can tell there are some old references below and in the margins of this website. 

A few of them will become relevant as we progress in the quarter.

At least now the learning objectives for Chapters 3 and 4 are up.  I'll be adding Chapter 5's learning objectives shortly.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Joe Campbell and Goddesses

Some of you might appreciate this book, or at least the review of this book, on one of Campbell's recently published works.  I believe it's an edited book put together posthumously.

“Many of the difficulties that women face today follow from the fact that they are moving into a field of action in the world that was formerly reserved for the male and for which there are no female mythological models.”
As the Introduction goes on, Campbell makes it crystal clear that he supports that shift:
“The challenge of the moment…is to flower as individuals, neither as biological archetypes nor as personalities imitative of the male….We are in this thing together and have to work it out together, not with passion (which is always archetypical) but with compassion, in patient fostering of each other’s growth.”

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Google scholar search on Rorschach and MMPI

So, I was just poking around google scholar  looking for recent research on reliability.

I thought you might all appreciate this:

The Impact of Exposure to Internet-Based Information About the Rorschach & the MMPI–2 on Psychiatric Outpatients’ Ability to Simulate Mentally Healthy Test Performance